  46 options for your future

Vacancies for experienced professionals

We’ve selected the right jobs for you: Here you can see at a glance where we need your expertise. What challenges you?

29 options for your future

Experienced professionals: competent and keen for new challenges

Experienced professionals will find attractive opportunities at BERLIN-CHEMIE AG and Menarini GmbH for advancing their career as a manager or specialist. We’re looking for employees with sound know-how and insatiable curiosity, who want to work like we do: as a team, innovatively, with an open mind and down to earth.

Experienced and all-round professional

Fields of activity

Discover what we have to offer in our diverse fields of activity at BERLIN-CHEMIE AG and Menarini GmbH, and find out how you stand to benefit if you opt for a career with us.

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Extensive and with first-rate support


Work needs to pay off – both in terms of money and satisfaction. To ensure our employees enjoy working here and work well and safely, we offer a wide range of employee benefits.

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+0130 years of tradition

Christmas and holiday

+0540 parking spaces

Tips for applicants

How to get that job

We’d prefer for you to use our online form to submit your application. You can find the relevant link in the job advertisement for the position you’re applying for. You can also send us your application by post. Should you have any further questions before sending us your application, simply call the contact person named in the job advertisement. We’ll be more than happy to help you.

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Regardless of what career topics you have a question about: We are here for you and will be happy to help. Just give us a call!

You can reach us between 7:30 am and 5:30 pm from Monday to Thursday and between 7:30 am and 4:00 pm on Friday.

+49 (0)30 6707-3600

Vacancies for experienced professionals