  46 options for your future

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46 options for your future

Therapeutic areas: effective and superbly specialised

Our broad portfolio of state-of-the-art medicinal products helps patients prevent and treat diseases, including common diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. We specialise in some of the most commonly used preparations in Germany. Our products therefore reliably help with a variety of medical conditions and improve the quality of life for millions of people.

Our decades of experience in the research and manufacturing of medicinal products ensures that BERLIN-CHEMIE AG is not just represented on the pharmaceuticals market with highly effective drugs, but also brings extensive expertise to the healthcare industry.

Product portfolio in Germany 2021

Product portfolio in Germany 2021

An overview of our therapeutic areas

You can find more information about our therapeutic areas and preparations here.

  • Die Deutsche Hochdruckliga empfiehlt fünf Wirkstoffklassen zur Behandlung von Hypertonie. Bei der BERLIN-CHEMIE AG stellen wir Medikamente mit genau diesen fünf Wirkstoffklassen her. Dazu gehören ein moderner AT1-Antagonist (Sartan), ein ACE-Hemmer, ein Kalziumantagonist und ein Betablocker der neuesten Generation. Ergänzt wird das Produktportfolio durch verschiedene Diuretika und einen einzigartigen Wirkstoff zur Behandlung der stabilen Angina pectoris.

  • In Germany, around nine percent of the population have diabetes. Our innovative drugs help treat this common disease. They provide quality of life for patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

  • Pain can have a wide variety of causes. Sometimes it occurs as a symptom of another illness, but in many cases, it is a disease in its own right. To help those affected find relief, we produce medicinal products that assist in the effective treatment of various types of pain, such as headaches, migraines and back pain. Our preparations have been stocked as standard by a large number of medical practices, clinics and outpatient clinics for many years now.

  • In addition to our three main focuses of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and pain, we are also active in other therapeutic areas, with preparations for the treatment of everything from respiratory diseases to shingles, for example.

    In 2012, we added a new field to our specialisms, with cancer research: In collaboration with our partner Oxford BioTherapeutics, we are developing five antibody-based drugs to treat cancer.

062% of turnover from exports

+02200 employees
across Germany

+0332 million units
of medicine produced



Regardless of what career topics you have a question about: We are here for you and will be happy to help. Just give us a call!

You can reach us between 7:30 am and 5:30 pm from Monday to Thursday and between 7:30 am and 4:00 pm on Friday.

+49 (0)30 6707-3600


Keen and ready to take the first step

Click here for an overview of all the different jobs you can do at BERLIN-CHEMIE AG and Menarini GmbH. What spurs you on?

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