  43 options for your future

Our current vacancies

Discover all the current vacancies at BERLIN-CHEMIE AG and Menarini GmbH at the click of a mouse.

43 options for your future

What we do: innovative with a long proven track record

Our commitment to healthcare is what unites our companies’ many different employees. All our departments work closely together to bring innovative medicinal products and healthcare solutions to the market which we can be proud of and which benefit so many people. This brings with it a great deal of responsibility, because only high-quality drugs are safe drugs. We ensure that patients can rely on us. Because we are committed to life.

Traditional and consistently successful

About us

BERLIN-CHEMIE AG and Menarini GmbH are associate companies that look back on a long history.

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Professional and diverse


Get an overview of the host of different departments and task areas within our companies and find the right one for you and your next career move.

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Social Enterprise Department

In our Social Enterprise Department, we employ over 25 mentally and in some cases physically handicapped people, who are an important element of our company.

A four-strong team of carers intensively looks after the special staff, who take on special tasks in the packaging of our medicinal products.

Talented and passionate

Our employees

A diverse range of people work for us in a wide variety of task areas and departments. See our videos and interviews to find out what attracts individuals to working with us.

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Effective and superbly specialised

Therapeutic areas

Our medicinal products treat the most common diseases in Germany, including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, pain and chronic lung diseases. We also focus on cancer research.

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Extensive and with first-rate support


Work needs to pay off – both in terms of money and satisfaction. To ensure our employees enjoy working here and work well and safely, we offer a wide range of employee benefits.

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Regardless of what career topics you have a question about: We are here for you and will be happy to help. Just give us a call!

You can reach us between 7:30 am and 5:30 pm from Monday to Thursday and between 7:30 am and 4:00 pm on Friday.

+49 (0)30 6707-3600


Keen and ready to take the first step

Click here for an overview of all the different jobs you can do at BERLIN-CHEMIE AG and Menarini GmbH. What spurs you on?

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