  35 options for your future

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2 options for your future

Endlich in die Praxis: Praktisches Jahr Pharmazie

Das Praktische Jahr ist ein wichtiger Meilenstein zwischen Pharmazie-Studium und Approbation zum Apotheker. Denn natürlich gehört zu diesem Beruf weitaus mehr als das, was in einem theoretischen Studium vermittelt werden kann.

Wir freuen uns, dass wir jährlich mehr als 30 jungen Leuten die Möglichkeit geben können, ein halbes Jahr ihrer praktischen Ausbildung bei der BERLIN-CHEMIE AG oder der Menarini GmbH zu absolvieren.

Bei uns lernst du die Strukturen eines forschenden und produzierenden Pharmaunternehmens kennen. Als vollwertiges Teammitglied mit erfahrenem Apotheker an deiner Seite sammelst du wertvolle Praxiserfahrungen und erlebst dabei: WISSEN SCHAFFT SPASS.

+++ Wir haben noch freie PJ-Plätze ab November 2024 und später +++

Our diverse placement fields

How do I assess the quality of medicines? When is a product regarded as authorised? Are pre-filled syringes actually allowed on aeroplanes? You decide which questions you would like to deal with.

We offer a total of approx. 25 internship slots in four major areas. Choose the placement field that fits your interests and goals best:

Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs
Quality Control
Research & Development

   Find out more

Our training programme

A training programme that puts you ahead

Experience practice with a diverse training programme that will help advance you in your career. Benefit from:

  • Expert supervision by experienced pharmacists, who will introduce you to the assignments;
  • Our "InPharma" series of events, in which pharmacists and specialists will give you insights into the many different departments and career paths in the pharmaceutical industry;
  • GMP training tailor made for the pharmaceutical industry;
  • Regular informal meet-ups on legal issues with the opportunity to compare notes on current topics in preparation for your third state examination;
  • An introductory event and close cooperation with the other pharmacy interns in your year;
  • Flexible working times and attractive remuneration of 1,600 euro gross monthly.

Our GMP training: practical and interactive

You will be given an overview of the world of GMP in a one-day seminar. Learn how it is ensured that pharmaceutical products are manufactured and tested to be consistent according to international quality standards. In a dialogue between you and our trainer, you will learn specific technical terms and requirements concerning everything to do with manufacturing, quality control and official monitoring and understand when these regulations are applied. You will subsequently receive a certificate on the GMP knowledge acquired.

InPharma: insight into career paths

InPharma is our interactive series of events about the pharmaceutical industry and your career paths. In more than 10 thematic modules, pharmacists and experts will give you an insight into your tasks and the various placement fields: from Research & Development, via Manufacturing right up to Regulatory Affairs.

Find out which pharmaceutical career paths are open to you after your licence to practise, which tips former interns can give you to start your career and whether a doctorate is absolutely necessary in the industry. Your colleagues will answer your questions and will be happy to exchange ideas with you.

Regular informal meet-ups on legal issues provide a clear view

The professional life of pharmacists is accompanied by various regulations and laws. We work through the most important laws for the pharmacy profession together with you at our regular informal meet-ups on legal issues. We invite you to bring to the table your own topics and questions, which will be discussed as a group.

Anne Jeschke (pharmacist and supervisor of the regular informal meet-ups on legal issues): "With us, you'll experience how a lot of the laws are implemented in practice. In this way, they become understandable and easy to remember – ideal preparation for the third state examination."

Anne Jeschke (pharmacist and supervisor of the regular informal meet-ups on legal issues): "With us, you'll experience how a lot of the laws are implemented in practice. In this way, they become understandable and easy to remember – ideal preparation for the third state examination."

Unsere PhiPs: Immer eine starke Gemeinschaft

So vielfältig wie unsere Einsatzgebiete, so groß und bunt ist auch jedes Halbjahr die PhiP-Runde. Aus ganz Deutschland treffen bei uns Pharmazeutinnen und Pharmazeuten aufeinander. Für viele ist es auch das erste Mal weg von zu Hause und dann noch in einer aufregenden Stadt wie Berlin. Aber keine Sorge: Wir unterstützen dich bereits vor Beginn des Praktikums mit nützlichen Infos und ab dem ersten Praktikumstag bist du schon gut vernetzt in deiner neuen PhiP-Community. Egal ob gemeinsames Mittagessen, jede Menge Spaß zusammen in der Freizeit oder einfach nur mal mit jemandem Quatschen. Bei uns könnt ihr zusammen wertvolle Erfahrungen für die Zukunft sammeln.   


Katja Blank

HR Expert

+49 30 6707-3174

Ihre Nachricht an Katja Blank


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